miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2020

Who are they?

In the Drama class we read Shakespeare's play "Twelfth Night" and we were asked to make in chart with different characters and with information about them. Here it's mine. I worked with Josefina Benadusi. Hope you like it!

jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2020

Love, what is it to me?

We are reading the play "Twelfth Night" by Shakespeare and we were asked to answer some questions about love. 
I think people fall in love because they have a special connnection with each other, though is not something they have control of. 
I never been in love but I think if the other person liked me back I would feel very happy and fortunate. 
The opening scene of the play, Orsino is listening to some music, "If music be the food of love, play on. Give me excess of it" and thinking of how much he loves Olivia. 
We were asked to think of a song we would listen to think about that special someone. I choose"Say you won't let go" by James Arthur.

lunes, 31 de agosto de 2020

Como percibimos nuestro alrededor

 En la clase de biología nos dieron un texto desordenado que teníamos que editar correctamente y subirlo. Les dejo el mio. Trabaje con Juan Cruz Fernandez

viernes, 28 de agosto de 2020

Mis trabajos de arte

 En la clase de Arte nos pidieron hacer una presentacion con todos los trabajos que estuvimos haciendo duarnte esta etapa del año. Les dejo la mia. Ojala les guste!

martes, 14 de julio de 2020

A Raisin in the Sun

In the drama class we were asked to create a comic representing one of the scenes of the play we read called A Raisin in the Sun. Here's mine. Hope you like it!

lunes, 13 de julio de 2020

La Famille Fenouillard

Dans la classe du français, nous choisissons une BD. Ma BD est La Famille Fenouillard.

martes, 30 de junio de 2020


En la clase de matemática nos pidieron investigar un numero irracional. Yo elegí el número pi.

El número pi es el resultado de la división de la longitud de una circunferencia por su diámetro. El récord de mayor cantidad de dígitos encontrados fue de 12.1 billones en 2014 por una computadora, después de estar 94 días trabajando. En Seattle en Estados Unidos hay un monumento en honor a este número. 
La persona con más dígitos memorizados es Akira Haraguchi quien dijo 100 mil dígitos y tardó 16 horas haciendo pausas solo para tomar agua. Existe un tipo de escritura en honor a pi llamada Pilish. El 14 de maro se considera el día de Pi. Este día coincide con el cumpleaños de Albert Einstein, Frank F. Borman (comandante de la misión Apolo VIII), Giovanni Schiaparelli (astrónomo) y Eugene Cernan (última persona en pisar la luna). Pi es el número mas popular que existe. Se menciona en los Simpson, Futurama y otros programas. También hay una pelicula llamada Pi sobre un matemático obsesionado con este número

miércoles, 24 de junio de 2020

¿Cómo funciona nuestro centro de control?

En la clase de Biologia nos pidieron hacer una infografía mostrando el sistema nervioso. Aca les dejo el mio. Trabajé con Josefina Benadusi. Ojala les guste!

jueves, 18 de junio de 2020

Lets stop racism

In the Drama class we are readin the play A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry. This play is about a black family in Chicago in the 1950's. It includes many themes but we were asked to analize racism.
EN FOTOS! Una ola de protestas recorre de punta a punta a los ...
I believe we all know what's happening in the USA as regards the protests against racism. Among the years racism has been present but with the murder of George Floyd everyone collapsed. He was violently arrested for a minor crime (falsified money) and murdered in the act by a policce officer while he begged for help. This, unfortunately, is not the only case.

Racism is nothing but an act of violence and injustice that needs to be stopped. There shouldn't be such a thing as white privilege and the fact that people didn't pay much attention to this over the years made it worse and now black people around the world deserve to be heard.

 A color doesn't define us, as it doesn't gender, economic position, beliefs. Nothing does. Only our actions, and staying silent is compliance. So lets talk about it. Lets fight against it and lets stop it, for once and all.

sábado, 16 de mayo de 2020

Do you know how to make butter?

In the EM class we were asked to look for the process of some products that come from farms. I chose butter and worked with Josefina Benadusi. Hope you like it!


miércoles, 22 de abril de 2020

¿Sabes que son los receptores?

En la clase de Biología teníamos que crear una presentación explicando distintas características y propiedades de los receptores. Trabajé con Josefina Benadusi. ¡Espero que les guste!

viernes, 20 de marzo de 2020

Was it before...?

In the history class we were asked to create a timeline of Germany after the WWI, between the years 1918-1923. Hope you like it!

Mapa Mental creado con GoConqr por CAMILA BIAGIOLA