miércoles, 25 de julio de 2018

The First World War map

Here I leave you a map that I made myself  with all the countries that were involved in this war and their capitals cities

lunes, 9 de julio de 2018

The First World War mindmap

In the history class we have been working in The First World War. The material we worked on was based on fotocopies with information and some links in some of them. This links were not totally complete so you had to write the missing information based on what you read in the fotocpies.
What I have to do is to classify them in a mindmap into: Things to do with nationalism and empires, things to do with alliances and things to do with Arm forces, but in cronological order. Here I levae my mindmap:
Hope you enjoy it!

domingo, 1 de julio de 2018


En la clase de matemática estuvimos trabajando con "GEOGEBRA".
Es un programa interactivo de aprendizaje. Con este programa hicimos tres triángulos según sus lados: EQUILÁTERO, ISOSCELES Y ESCALENO.

1) Equilátero
3) Isósceles

Luego realizamos otra actividad que consistía en hacer cuadriláteros: