lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2018

Battle of Gallipoli

In the history class we had discuss about four battles that took place on the WWI. We had  to chose one and make a poster with information of it. I did this with Mateo Lopez K and we chose Battle of Gallipoli. Hope you like it!


viernes, 21 de septiembre de 2018

Population Growth

In the E.M. class we are discusing the population growth. We saw three videos. From two of them, we had to take four screenshots and explain what does the video explain in that moment. Here I leave you my work, hope you like it!

In this picture, there are 7 glasses of color water, representing the different continents and some countries. The drops that fall into the glasses are the births and the one that are falling out are the deaths. This graphic it's representing the population size a thousand years ago, when we were just a 3rd part of a billion.

In this one we can see the same graphic, but 7 years ago, in 2011. The countries that the first screenshot show as the more populated (with more water) are the same as today: China, India and the rest of Asia. There are less deaths now a days because improvements on medicine and agriculture had make lifes longer, so in the glasses they put patchs representing medicine and agriculture improvements.

In this screenshot we can see a hole world map in the Han Dynasty (35 C.E) with some yellow dots. Each one represents a million people. As we can notice, at this time we were very few people.

In this one we can see that there are 9 thousands of yellow dots. This is how scientists think the world would be in 2050, were we could grow into 9 billion people. If we continue growing like this, maybe in the future, we'll have to take birth polices as some countries did.

lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2018

Síndrome de Asperger

En la clase de practicas del Lenguaje leímos un libro: Al Curioso Accidente del perro a Media Noche. El personaje principal nos parecía algo peculiar. Luego sacamos la conclusión de que tal vez podría tener síndrome de asperger. Leímos un texto con información de este síndrome. Luego esa información la redactamos de forma más llamativa y didáctica. Aquí les dejo mi canva, hecho con Delfina Santarelli y Pilar Rodriguez R.:

Copia de Boot de CAMILA BIAGIOLA