jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2016

My Favourite activities in the year

Project: Helping Hands 
I liked the activitie of making a padlet about children´s right because it was very interesting and learnt a lot of tings i didin´t know.
Another activitie that I liked when we collected some school supplies for children that dont have them.
"The project helping hands is about help the children. Is very important to help others because we can make happy to a lot of people.  The help can be better if you help us to help."


Project: NPHC
I liked the activite of doing our own t-shirt of NPHC and then we share it with all the class.
The another activitie that I liked is when we had the hangout with Jenna Ball and we draw Newton.

Project: The time Machine
I liked when we made the biographies of The Tudors and of William Shakespeare.
Also I liked when I played Juliet.

martes, 13 de diciembre de 2016

My 2016 in 5th Blue

It's the end of the year, and it´s time of reflection...

  1. What were your favourite activities/projects of the year?
  2. What is the most important thing you learnt this year? 
  3. What were your favourites books/stories/novels/films?
  4. What suggestions can you make for next year?
  5. What can YOU improve next year, in 6th form?

  1. My favourite project were all they are all special for me because they taught me something for example: The Not Perfect Hat Club taught me that nobody/anything is perfect, Environmental Management taught me that we have to take care of our planet, in Romeo and Juliet Around The World we learnt about literature and Shakespeare's life and then in Helping Hands we learnt to be solidary.
  2. The most important thing I learnt this year is that nobody is perfect and that we have to be solidary with the planet taking care of it and with other people.
  3. My favourite book it was The Great Gander, my favourite story was Moonstones, my favourite novel  it was The Not Perfect Hat Club and my favourite film it was Pay It Forward.
  4. I suggest that in 5th form next year they could bring their own Tablet or Netbook for school, they could use their own blogs in english, also they could make longer the project of Alien Travel Agency.
  5. I can improve in paying more attention in class and practicing more in my house for exams or activities.
Sources: competencecard.nl

viernes, 2 de diciembre de 2016

Hour of Code

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